You Make Life Time Memories Here

Every camp day is thoughtfully planned, ensuring every camper gets the best experience in learning, having fun and building connections. From waking up to performing religious obligations, aerobics, breakfast up till bedtime, there’s a variety of activities planned for our campers every single day.

A Day In The Life Of a Summer Camper
Waking Up / Morning Prayers
Early in the morning at about 5:30/6:00am, campers awaken to start their day. After, brushing their teeth, everyone goes for their respective morning devotion.
After prayers, all campers converge to have early morning aerobics. This gets them ready and energized for the day.
Shower/Preparation for activities of the day
After all the early morning movement, campers return to their rooms to wash off the sweat and get dressed & prepared for the day.
Once campers are all dressed up, they proceed to the dining room/hall to have a hearty breakfast.
At this point, our Boarding Campers are joined by the Day Campers to go on with Daily Activities.
Life Coaching Sessions
Every morning, we begin our day-time activities with Life Coaching. Life Coaching Sessions at Summer Camp Nigeria are sessions where different life lessons are learnt. At these sessions, our facilitators teach our campers soft skills needed in the real world.
Team Building Activities
Campers participate in team building activities such as the great egg drop, building Burj Khalifa, Scavenger Hunts and a lot of others.
Sporting Activities
At Summer Camp Nigeria, we believe that sports are equally as important as intellectual activities. In fact, research shows that playing sports improves mental and physical functions of the body. For this reason, we take sports seriously.
Tea Break & Lunch Break
After some activities, we give our campers a short break to have some snacks afyer Wyck they continue their daily activities.
At about mid-day, we give campers a nutritious lunch meal before they go on with the remaining day-time activities.
At Summer Camp Nigeria, we ensure to equip our Campers real life skills, one of which is Apprenticeship. In our Apprenticeship classes, we teach campers hands-on skills such as Photography, Ankara Bag Making, Bead Making, Programming, Crotcheting, etc.
Town Hall Meetings
At Town Hall meetings, campers and facilitators assemble to discuss and brainstorm on different issues.
At Summer Camp Nigeria, we have a lot of other programs lined up for your kids – our campers including sessions on Safety, Financial Literacy, Entrepreneurship and other sessions where we invite external facilitators to educate us on different topics.
At the end of the Day-time activities by 6pm, Day Campers return home after an amazing day and boarding students return to b their hostels for a fun-filled evening.
Board Games/Sports
After the interesting day-time activities, boarding campers return have some more fun by having some more time to play board games and sports.
After a long and interesting day, boarding campers have a love-flavored dinner together.
Family Time/Gratitude Session
Towards the end of the night, boarding campers and facilitators gather for an SCN Family Meeting where we all share our highlights and experiences from the day and give gratitude for another amazing day at camp.